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Gravel Driveway Services Takes Safety Seriously

When you have been in the business as long as we have, you know that there is no compromise for safe operations. As most construction companies we utilize bright orange colouring starting with the pylons on the street, our company attire as well as all of our repair and grading equipment.

Gravel Driveway Services (GDS) are careful and cautious when working around existing structures, gardens and landscaping or interlock. We also pay particular attention when loading and unloading our equipment on the street as many rural roads can be narrow and have limited space to park and maneuver our heavy equipment. We ensure that any driveway we restore or repair does not cause any interference with traffic or with your neighbors

Trust the Recycled Asphalt and Gravel Driveway Professionals

Our aggregate trucks also operate with safety being top of mind and with standard protocols and when they deliver the gravel or reclaimed/recycled asphalt we ensure they give way to other vehicles and have the proper signal person(s) to guide them on your new driveway. Our drivers and suppliers understand how important attention to detail is and will make every effort to leave no trace although sometimes there are big trucks with big loads of gravel.

Whether you are building or repairing your driveway, GDS should be your first stop, our knowledgeable and friendly team will ensure client satisfaction and provide you with value for years to come.

Please contact us today for your estimate at 1 (855) 853-4611 or using the form below.

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you want impeccable recycled asphalt driveways or you need repairs or replacements for your old driveways.
Contact us below, or for more information and assistance or call 1(855) 853-4611.