We know you might have a lot of questions when considering to repair or resurface your driveway but we are here to help! Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. If you have any questions at all, pleaseĀ contact us.
The normal life expectancy of our driveways is 10+ years. Our surfaces are always guaranteed.
Yes, there are many different options and aggregates available to personalize your driveway surface and look.
Our typical recycled asphalt aggregate has a peppered and contempary look which can be suitable for any property.
Typical projects are 1 day or less, some projects may take longer due to size but we never will interrupt accesibility from the driveway to your home, farm or business.
Normally operations commence on April 1st and finish November 31st.
Each job is unique and we evaluate and provide a cusotmized estimate for your property. Our rates are highly competive and we are fully insured.
We are fully insured and remain compliant with Ontario safety standards.
We are always interested in enthusiatic, experienced and professional people to join our team.
Yes, we have experience with a variety terrain and conditions.
Yes, this accounts for a large part of our business.
Recycled asphlat is an environmentally friendly medium which used reclaimed pavement which is crushed and screened to various sizes to produce a durable and visually appealing aggregate for driveway and parking surfaces.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you want impeccable recycled asphalt driveways or you need repairs or replacements for your old driveways.
Contact us below, or for more information and assistance or call 1(855) 853-4611.